New hood and splitters, like or dislike?

VIS and im not very happy with them right now man, in the beginning they went out of there way to hook me up, but it seems now that I spent a good $5g’s, fuck me.

I asked him to install my seats which originally was no problem and my hood pins on the carbon fiber hood that were VERY important to me. Every oem hardware carbon fiber hood that I’ve ever closed always cracked on me from the force of closing it.

Well, he didnt even attempt to install the seats, said the brackets were different meanwhile the new seats CAME with new brackets/sliders and 2 its pretty easy to make custom ones

and two, he told me he didnt install hood pins but would bring it back into the shop to see what he could do real quick but never touched/looked at it again after that.

To top it all off, he charged me what it would cost if he installed EVERYTHING meaning the seats and the pins as well when all he did was install hood and splitters which imo DOESNT take 4 hours… I dont swap motors but im prettyy sure I could install an oem style hood in about 30 minutes.