New member from Albany

Hey guys, names Jill and right now I have a 2006 Altima 3.5 SE that is bone stock (for now). Pics will be provided at some point but I don’t pick up the car until wed. I used to be on a couple of the older forums under 97Alty but that was years ago. I’m just getting back into the scene and hope to see you guys out there.


watch out for deadbeatrec… he’s a big JERK

pics or ban “i dont care about the car either lolololol”


welcome to site where being a female gets you harassed…

unless your too old then they give up quickly… so there is hope if your over 20… :tongue

forgot about the over 20 part!..but then again half the males on this site aren’t old enough to legally drink so maybe thats why lol

Welcome to the site!

hey hey hey… il be 21 in june

Good thing I am over 21, or at least over 12. I was prepared for the harassment after seeing what goes on here. Too old is too old. Also, at work so no pics.

I lurked for a bit so I was prepared. I’m used to it from other forums.

he doesn’t mean harassed… we just likeeee girlsss.


PM pict with you on your bike for moderator record keeping. :excited:excited:rofl:rofl

I remember you from apg forums I think

Yeah I used to be on APG with my 1st Altima, I recognized your name too. That car got trashed by some deer so I’m starting new.

I have a pic of my bike but none with me on it, I’ll see what I can do.

we need pics ,like i said dont uch care about the bike or car ,we need proof you are a chick

damn i didnt know you were older than me!!!

Nice welcome to the never ending shit show

You know I was joking about the PM right? But yeah, do post up your bike in the moto section of the forum. :thumbup