new member

hey, my name is Bryan and I have a 99 eclipse gsx
bluemeanietsi and redmeaniegsr told me about the site. i figured id throw out a newbie thread to get to know some people


welcome to the site, hows the car runnin since the turbo and IC.

by the way, its redlinegsr now not redmeanie :slight_smile:

that’s cuz his car is no longer mean enough to hold that title hahaahaha

at least you finally posted :smiley:

welcome, i wouldnt be proud to announce redline and blueweenie introduced me :kiss:


you woulndt be proud but if i said i was new and knew shag i’d feel downright :greddy2:

only with you :beer:

you like recieving better than giving

welcome, where are you from? i see 2 orange dsm’s around my area all the time

probably not him

natrona heights…right beside tarentum, its probably not mine im really not aorund there

oh ya and i gotta give props to blue meanie cuz if wasnt for him id still have the sidemount and t25


i know theres an all orange GSX around my area, exterior is stock look.
the other one is a 95 talon i think… or a 95 GSX cuz it has the same front end as bluemeanie

not anymore…:smiley:

welcome, im glad all theese other dsms are 2g

not mine then cuz i have a body kit and an orange pearlescent paint
the kid that had it b4 me was from around cranberry? maybe someone saw it then?

ya i know hehe


welcome… Orange Crush was good!