New name. different city. same car.

oh hey.

i remember talkin to this guy a couple times…he gots theJRSC under the hood therrr…

for those who didnt hear my car motor finally went. lost compression in the first cylinder due to a fuel issue. But since I cant seem to sell it i guess im forced to build it. hopefully a k24. but buffalo will not see my car again.

Good luck in ATL. Stop in the claremont and give Dusty a dollar for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Stop in at Elmyr and don’t get hit :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome back. Deff a real nice car.

met him a bunch of times, good dude :tup: welcome back…hows ATL? you meet my boy T.I.P.?

welcome back

hi :wave:

hey man, good to see your back on here. I miss that typeS it was hottt, and quick to!!! Best of luck to ya in ATL :tup: