New pittsburgh meet

haha umm people already do race there its a great spot to do so and bikes also already stunt there…its been going on there long before it was posted on here so if its not your cup of tea then just simply dont come just a heads up,+PA&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=40.457042,-79.973795&spn=0.001918,0.005021&z=18&layer=c&cbll=40.45608,-79.973893&cbp=1,52.663924835316095,0,5

Sassafras Way… Not kidding about the name either… Looks like something straight out of the fast and furious at night…

don’t you have some low displacement honda motor to wish you could afford?
The stadiums was a great place to go…until 4bangin s10s decided to start racing blue hondas down the road and that one douche bag with the blue and white mustang lost his muffler while doing a burnout

or eat WRX’s… hahahaha, but anyway lets get something goin… this weekend? or next… weather pending?

no i actually have a 2007 S2000 and 2006 F4i but yea do us a favor and stay in your ghetto with you sweet rides kthanxbye :blue:

where is this proving that you dont have a low disp honda motor???

one is 2.2 and the other is .6 i see two small honda motors.

Theres no replacement for displacement.

oh wait, yeah there is…its called a turbo.

this is already turning into a failfest, Suggustion to OGs to just stay away for now.

Im going to keep saying this, it sounds like a bad idea.

i dont think it has much to do with him hating hondas as it is hating the quality of people we see fucking up shows time in and time out.

im not here being a dick im just simply let you know about this place

obviously its not a spot to have anything big… just because you get away with it doesnt mean you will for forever. Sounds like people down there need to stay away from the big Pittspeed sponsered events.

ya not to be a dick either… but pretty sure your not supposed to say where races are held (illegally) especially since anybody can view this, and we have the location mapped out like over 50 times through this thread… just throwin that out there… people prob wont be racing there anymore now

You are the definition of a douchebag…its members like you that either get ran off of pittspeed…or get banned for life…you just joined up this year…stay in your place before one of the real members puts you back in it…honestly only an IDIOT would blatantly state exactly where street racing goes on…location location location…something we DONT discuss here when it comes to racing. I’ll be down there at the first meet on an all black F2, please make sure you introduce yourself, if you know who quik is just look for him…i’ll most likely be close by…

No thanks, with all the douche bags that will be showing up this is doomed to fail. I’ll pass until Nick comes up with something.

Ditto. I like the word of mouth idea though.

Designate people to get the word out to others in their area, Monroeville, North Hills, South Hills, Route 28, etc. That way we can meet somewhere and keep the asshattery to a minimum. (Though I won’t help but miss Justin calling out every moron on W General Robinson Street. :D)

you know…i don’t know if the idea has ever been brought up before…but highland park wouldnt be such a bad place to meet…pittsburgh city cops don’t really care what happens up there as long as it isnt loud once it gets dark

LOL, right, A bunch of car enthusiasts being quiet.

good idea!

hahaha oh i just cant control myself at times! :bigthumb:

Wheres new pittsburgh