New Product Go Pro Camera!

Actually it’s pretty good. Much better than I had initially thought. I’ll be posting up some videos on here soon to show this thing off.

Personally, this is one of the best ideas going so far. You can mount it pretty much anywhere on the car, inside and out, Upside down and sideways! I’ve had this on the car in several different positions at high speed and it’s not even an issue. I guess they had this thing on the Falken Porsche race car and used some footage shot from these cameras in their commercial.

On a side note, this would be great for all you guys on bikes, skateboards, motorcycles, skis, or snowboards. It’s waterproof and super shock resistant so it’s perfect for us! Apparently they even have a chest strap you can pick up and attach the camera to if you want a unique vantage point or lack a good mounting point.

We’ll be offering these for $220 with a 2GB SD card included so you can get a 56 minute record time and get all your adventures on film! Not only that you can program it to take over 1900 snapshots at 2 second intervals in case video isn’t your thing! Remember it’s 5 Megapixel so it’s a pretty good looking picture!

Thanks for taking another look and hope to see you soon!