New PS3 Around the Corner

No, not the 120 and 160 gig versions but a redesigned and recolored PS3…

looks a bit better

I couldn’t believe how much the thing weighs though

What a terrifically snky strategy. “Pre”- release a product, generate tons of sales, do more R&D in the meantime to make it smaller and lighter, and then have a “new” product that will generate even more sales.

From what has been speculated too, this new model may contain and be the first 120 and 160 gig PS3’s so we shall see.

If the price stays in the same range, I’ll be picking one up solely as a “cheap” BRD player. :meh:

interesting look…

So that is prolly not what it looks like.

I had a feeling theyd come out with a ps3 “slim” eventually. The ps2 slim was pretty sweet imo. Too bad I just bought an 80gb a week ago.

Nah, Sony announced last week they’ve shrunk the BRD components just last week. $200 stand alone players aren’t that far off.

Hell, I’ve heard some people say that with creative discounting using a sony style card you can get a player for $200 today.

Sony Style card? :gotme:

Oh, and other then BRD > HDDVD advances, the only interest I’ve had in PS3 has been GT5, which still looks to be a ways off.