PS3 Price Cut being phased out... already.

Sony comes through again


Sony to phase out $500 PlayStation 3 Company last week dropped price on the unit by 17 percent, or $100

Updated: 8:43 p.m. ET July 16, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO - Sony Corp. plans to phase out the cut-priced $499 model of its PlayStation 3 video game machine, leaving only a higher capacity $599 model for sale in the United States, the company said on Monday.

The revelation undid some of the praise Sony won from the gaming industry last week for its 17 percent price cut on the machine, a move seen as leveling the playing field with Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 console.

But one analyst said Sony had left the door open to further price cuts, saying another would almost certainly happen when the cheaper PlayStation 3 sells out.

Sony dropped the price on the PS3, which comes with a 60-gigabyte hard drive and high-definition Blu-ray DVD player, by $100 last week in a bid to boost sales of the console by passing on lower costs onto consumers.
It also said it would launch a new model featuring a hard drive with 33 percent more capacity — 80 gigabytes — and a copy of its off-road racing game “MotorStorm” in August.

A company spokesman said Sony would sell the $500 version until “supplies of that unit are depleted,” estimated to be months after the August debut of the new, pricier model.

“We have ample inventory to meet the immediate needs of consumers in this territory for several months to come,” Dave Karraker said in an e-mailed response to questions.

“We won’t be making any further announcements regarding our PS3 model hardware strategy in North America until the 60GB model is exhausted and market conditions are evaluated,” Karraker said.

The statement confirmed remarks by David Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, carried last week on gaming news Web site saying the 60-gigabyte model would be discontinued.
Gaming circles voiced disappointment in the development with popular blog saying it amounted to more of a “clearance sale” than an actual price cut.

Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter said in a research note that Sony had an estimated 2 million to 3 million 60-gigabyte models in inventory and that once they were sold out, it would lower the price on the 80-gigabyte version.

“Although we think that Sony’s public relations gaffe was unfortunate, we do not believe that the company has ill intent, and we expect the $499 price point to be maintained until early next year, when the 80GB model will likely by cut again to $399,” Pachter said.

The PS3 lags the Xbox and Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s Wii console in sales. The Xbox, which launched in November 2005, has sold 5.6 million units in the United States through May of this year.

The $250 Wii, with its unique motion-sensing controller, has become a surprise hit, selling 2.8 million units in just seven months after its November 2006 launch, compared to the PS3’s 1.4 million units in that time.

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 comes in three models priced from $300 to $480. The most expensive model, the Elite, comes with a 120-gigabyte hard drive but lacks the PS3’s high-definition DVD player, built-in wireless technology and bundled game.

Xbox > Wii > PS3 in sales. :mamoru:

of course, we have a 360 & a Wii at our home, with zero desire for a PS3.


Holy overpriced for the market batman.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, the console is only as good as the games they make for it. I don’t see any “Must Have” titles for the PS3.


I’ve said it before and I will say it again, the console is only as good as the games they make for it. I don’t see any “Must Have” titles for the PS3.



Well, i suppose the Wii titles (motion sen.) could be considered such. Nothing for the other two tho.
It’ll be at least 6 months before franchise titles are out to take advantage of all the CPU GPU power.


*continues to wait for more titles, price cut or not.




I think forza is rather killer…
and gears of war
and of course Viva Pinata

PS3 will still outsell the XBOX and Wii long term (when next gen boxes are all out)

I will bet anyone $500 on that.

My buddy has all 3 systems. He always buys games for the 360 instead of the ps3 no matter if they are out for both. A big selling point on the 360 is the custom soundtracks.

Edit: and I agree with Joe’s statment above.

i really doubt the ps3 will outsell the 360. the price is always going to remain too high, and the game selection won’t be as good as for the xbox.

ps3 couldnt even beat out the wii…

I have a wii…I still want an Xbox360, but Gran Turismo will make me buy the PS3…oh well

PS3 60gigs were on targets website for 449 using this code TGTAFLAE


i really doubt the ps3 will outsell the 360. the price is always going to remain too high, and the game selection won’t be as good as for the xbox.

ps3 couldnt even beat out the wii…


It doesn’t matter what the price is. The PS3 will always outsell because it will be the most affordable blue-ray disc player available on the market for the forseeasble future (3-5 years). Blue Ray is supported by all the major movie studios (we’ve discussed that in detail with another thread).

The games (if any) will just be a bonus. PS3 sales will pickup exponentialy once GT5 is released assuming that Sony can stop stepping on their dicks for a quarter.

I’m in the same boat as Redrum. None of the system have “must have games” that are exclusive.

Forza 2 is not a must have game, many of the flaws from the first Forza are still there.

Gears of War was an awesome game, but it’s not must have. Halo 3 is must have (and it’s not out yet) .

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Ps3) is only must have if you never owned an Xbox

Forumla One Championship for PS3 has horrible flaws that make you want to throw it through your TV screen.

yada yada…

Xbox sales will pickup with Halo 3 release. PS3 will pickup with GT5 release, or possibly Metal Gear release (although not sure if it is still exclusive). Ps3 sales will also pick up as more blue-ray media is available.

For me I want a PS3 because I wanted the Blue-Ray player. Socom is coming out in October and I love all the Socom games (must have for me). There are a lot of good games coming out for PS3 if you look into it. I don’t know if they’re “must haves” for all of you but I’m certainly interested. I bought my Wii in February and up until about 3 weeks ago there weren’t any games other than Wii Sports and Wii Play that really peaked my interest. I did however buy Big Brain Academy and Mario Party 8 which are both fun if you have a group of people over. The argument is still Ford Vs Chevy. Pick whichever one you want, no one will ever be right in this argument.

There are solid games out there (FM2, GoW, etc), however they are not killer apps. They do not bare the full awe & spectacle that these consoles are made for. Everyone (gamers, casuals, and industry opines) makes that point.

XBox will continue to sell well. It’ll surge hardcore when Halo drops (though I’m not the biggest fan). It’ll also surge once the hackers/modders truly tear into it, a la Xbox1.

In the end, PS3 WILL pick up market share. Sony, as much as I may dislike them, was a leader (with the PS1) for good reason. The Blu-Ray being the main sales foothold is :tif: though… Blu-Ray vs HDDVD is still a moot argument, as stated many times in another thread.

I just think that the article highlights Sony’s corporate stances (laughable) well. I mean: press releases about keeping BRDVD player prices intentionally inflated for example.

fuck sony and all of they’re overpriced crap


PS3 will still outsell the XBOX and Wii long term (when next gen boxes are all out)

I will bet anyone $500 on that.


If you want to look on a global market and include handhelds, the DS Lite Systems themselves made more money then ps2+games+accessories in Japan in 06.

Nintendo ftw.


. A big selling point on the 360 is the custom soundtracks.



Is it? I don’t give a shit about it.

I didn’t consider buying a ps3… until I saw screen shots of gt5. So I will wait for that.

GT5 is being pushed out well into 2008 from what I was reading in Car and Driver this month. They had a big interview with Polyphony and Yamauchi (producer of all GT series).