set a new bench record at my gym in philly...

no, it wasn’t that. when i stopped by your shop, i still my had 04, and needed the tint redone. i have a 06 now, and just need tint. but we can work out a deal…how about 5 free training sessions for a tint job

prett much. you still have to train raw though, because the shirt only is guarenteed for so many lifts before it blow out(rip)

that is cool. i always think women should look in the mirror instead of a scale. you look good at 140 or so. most girls would hate to weigh 140. but women with muscle tone, ass, legs, basically a nice body are hotter then size 0 stick figures who suffer from nawsatawl(no ass at all)!!! no matter what anyone says, keep your size/weight, it looks sexy and attractive. you pull it off well