finally benched 700lbs...

like it says, im so pumped right now. went to my buddies house who has a forza bench, and used my new bench shirt, it and it works. got it before a month or so ago, but a little uneven, this was a full pause and lockout. i am doing a bench contest in september, and i am going to try 725lbs. if my shoulders hold up…the sad part is, i am still almost 400 lbs. from the world record of 1080 lbs. and most guys in the 242/275 weight class do in the mid 800’s now. im getting close, but time will tell.

congrats that is insane. my neighbor growing up used to do ridiculous bench pressing

thanks jeff, what is his name? if he competes, i might know him if hes around my age(33)

his name is jamie harris AKA Ziggy. he will be a little older than you.

wow, i know jamie harris, he was a top 5 powerlifter in the world a few years ago. i know he got mixed up in some things after he hurt his shoulder, he was 1 of the 1st guys to bench 700lbs, and was real close to 800 lbs. before he hurt himself. he used to lift at powerhouse in warrendale.

Wow, congrats. With the frame that I have I can’t even fathom that amount of weight.

That is absolutely insane. Congrats on hitting the 700 mark!


Congrats, that is some serious weight. I am not much of a power lifter, but I would like to see 4 plates on each side in the somewhat near future.


Congrats! That is a lot of weight! My friends brother in law is also a power lifter (not sure if he competes)… I believe he is somewhere in the 680-700lb area with a shirt also. His name is John Lorenzo, you probably don’t know him… but figured I would throw his name out there.

Good luck in competition!

Congrats, that’s crazy…I benched more than most people in highschool with 365…I couldn’t even hit that now if i trained for a month…

Congrats man !

Wow, nice job, congrats man.

What does one of these shirts look like? I’m guessing it’s for support for your shoulders or something?

thanks everyone for the conrats…

the bench shirt is a very tight custom fitted shirt that allows you to bench a lot more weight…it keeps your shoulders so tight, you can not lower them, you have to walk like a zombie, your arms can not go down, they just stick striaght ahead of your torso…so when you lay down to bench, it keeps your arms and shouldrs in the power grove, so you can bench more weight…

i can not even get 425lbs. to touch my chest with the shirt on, it justs sits there half way, wont come down, thats how tight they can be…

go to ballys with me for 4 sessions of chest workouts, and i will put 25lbs. on your max, guarenteed…

Currently I am trying to cut off a little fat so now isn’t the best time to try and make strength gains. Now I would be happy to keep what I have now. Honestly I am more concerned with size/hypertrophy than I am with strength. I will admit though when I am eating a lot and putting on size adding strength is pretty fun. Just out of curiosity what does a chest workout look for you?

normal workout is::

flat bench
135x25-1 set
225x15-1 set
275x12-3 sets
225x15-3 sets
135x25-3 sets

this eems like a lot, but the 1st 2 are a warm-up. after this i will only do 1 exercise for upper, and lower chest, either incline flyes, db presses, and the same for lower chest. but i rotate the ,ain workout everyweek, as in next week i will do all those sets on incline, then the week after on decline, so i am getting that workout on all areas of my chest…

training for a bench meet is:::
put on bench shirt…
and i go up from there…

That is a ton of volume, I take it flat bench is all you do on a chest day?

nope, i rotate that heavy working set everyweek between flat, incline, decline. so every 3 weeks, one part of my chest gets that workout. then for the other parts, i will do 1 exercise for some definition.

my old workout was worse, it was 4 sets of whatever weight i could get on incline, decline, flat bench for 6 reps. then 4 sets of db presses on incline, decline, flat, then 4 sets flyes on incline, decline, flate…

that workout sucked, it worked, but hard as hell to do

holy bejesus you’re an animal dude