finally benched 700lbs...

how much can the shirt do by itself?

how the hell do you get into the shirt???

Congrats dude, thats some animalism

it takes 2-3 guys to help me get the shirt on. if you ever go to a powerlifting meet, go to where we warm up, and you will find hilarity. you will see all these big guys getting treir shirts put on. it takes a good 10 minutes to get it on right.

How do you even fit in a sentra?

what is the point of the shirt? I understand it helps you bench more but does it do anything other than assist you? It kinda seems like it is just for show.

thats what i was wondernig !! hahaha

thats awesome you can lift that dam. I remember in highschool 140 was a big deal

I think the shirts should be outlawed and you should have to just bench raw! I get that it helps you bench more and “everyone wears them” so if you don’t your only at a disadvantage, but I think theyre retarded and noone should be allowed to wear them. 700 lbs is great and shirt or not ill never be able to hit that number, but wheres the sport in wearing a shirt that helps you bench and extra 200+ lbs.

lmao, that’s nuts

the most ive ever benched was 310(max of the weights) at 150lbs and i was siked
i think 400 is a crazy weight to bench haha

Ok how do you get the shirt off??? hahaha

I’m a huge fan of naturally aspirated cars and so that carries over to weight lifting. Shirts shouldnt be allowed in my eyes but still VERY CRAZY to bench that much weight regardless

i also compete in a.d.a.u.(anti-drug ahtletes united). they are a raw powerlifting sanction. drug test every lifter, every meet. i was top 3 in Pa for 2005/2006, and top top 5 in 2007 in bench deadlift. that is with a 450 bench, and 625 deadlift.

i understand the shirts not being liked by some people, but everyone wears them at the meet, and they are legal. they have assisted(bench shirts), and raw contests. i do both. i actually have a better raw bench then shirted bench, most guys i go against are in the low-mid 800lbs. for bench.

I agree that in order to level the playing field you have to wear one because everyone is wearing them. But I guess thats why they have raw events to see what someone can truely bench.

either way, that much weight is pure sickness. I’d prefer to see raw no assisted stuff, just my preference.

Not that i’m a big power lifter or anything, but it was explained to me that the shirt elimnates possible injuries by holding everything in tight.

the shirt does not eliminate injuires. your shirt keeps you in the power groove, and helps with your explosive power. no matter how good your shirt is, your arms still have to hold that weight, it doesnt protect your joints, ligaments, etc…

i can not even get 425lbs. to touch my chest with the shirt on, it justs sits there half way, wont come down, thats how tight they can be…

sounds like it would definately help out alot if 425 lbs does not push your arms down far enough to allow bar to touch chest…

it is a different bench entirely. i like raw benching better, but after years of heavy shoulders, tri’s, benching, my joints are so bad. i feel a lot safer in the shirt, im not a fan, but i compare it to nitrous or boost. if everyone has boost/and or no2, you need it to compete, same thing with the shirt. there are 3 guys to ever bench 700lbs. raw, and they all make me look like a 12 year old boy. all 3 are close to 1000lb. shirt benchers. but i am lot closer to them in deadlifts, most top guys in my weight class pull low-mid 900lbs. my best is a 675 contest. i have gotten 705 in training, but a little sloppy. some guys pay almost $1000 for custom bench shirts, or even companies custom make them.

Seems like to be above the rest in anything it cost money haha

Joe get a vid, I don’t care if it’s gay asking another man for vid. That’s impressive.

i will, i hear the same thing on the sentra site i frequent…

the only thing i have going for me, in all hon estly, is i am 100%, lifetime drug-free. not roger clemens or barry bonds drug free, i get either piss, or polygraph tested at 4 meets per year. if i test positive, my name is wiped out of the record books, and it is a permenant ban for life…

that is in the raw federation i compete in, the ones with shirts are never tested. there is a guy in the 165lb. class who did a 485 bench…looked like a little ray lewis, that is what i have to go againsty in the shirt contests. thats why i like raw meets better. from my class to the lower weight classes, its like seperated by 100lbs. at the most.

So are you saying you might test positive wtf. why would you mention it if clean :rofl:

I do not understand now. Not, trying to be a dickhead.