set a new bench record at my gym in philly...

im at 140lbs…I couldnt imagine tryin to fit a T that fits a girlie at 116!!!

huh? i seen your picutre when you ist joined. how tall are you?? you look very thin. but yeah, the shirt is that small. when i hold it up, it fits in between my chest

5’8 thank you for using “thin”.

I hold a lot of muscle…not much fat (except the lower “behind” area lol)
thats why Im afraid to work out.
when I was in high school and lifted in gym and played vball my weight went up to 150 some. Im not complaining by any means…I was built like ive never been before…but I was in a size 12 pants bc my legs/ass get huge! I lift a lot of weight at work purposly so my arms stay fit. Not sure how much I can bench, but I can curl a lot. BUT I have bad carpol tunnel in my rt hand. It causes a lot of problems. I have bad circulation in my legs too. Asthma kicks in too if I work too hard. (like when I run) I dont know, I love to work out, just not sure how to do so w/o getting too big…thats why I try to dance at least once a week. Keeps my stomach and legs nice and firm.

pizza and beer = Happiness. :slap:

Again? i didnt do it the 1st time right?

Training wise i need help, and i need somebody to tell me what foods to eat, what portions etc. i can munch 2 subway hoagies on any given day, but its usually my only meal of the day as well.

good luck gettin into the 600 club, that’ll be pretty sweet!


so basically if you work on your form and get into the proper power posistion/grove, your bench will go up?

haha True i would not even look in that direction…

its all in good fun…Congrats on the lift. thats alot of weight!

no, it wasn’t that. when i stopped by your shop, i still my had 04, and needed the tint redone. i have a 06 now, and just need tint. but we can work out a deal…how about 5 free training sessions for a tint job

prett much. you still have to train raw though, because the shirt only is guarenteed for so many lifts before it blow out(rip)

that is cool. i always think women should look in the mirror instead of a scale. you look good at 140 or so. most girls would hate to weigh 140. but women with muscle tone, ass, legs, basically a nice body are hotter then size 0 stick figures who suffer from nawsatawl(no ass at all)!!! no matter what anyone says, keep your size/weight, it looks sexy and attractive. you pull it off well

thanks. I put myself on a protein diet to keep the weight on. I cry when I see the scale go under 140. Call me crazy.

I need to start walkin again. My friend took a pic of me and my gf up on stage a few weeks ago…ewwww I wanted to puke. Legs could use work! But i have no time.

is there a way to get a good workout in with my schedule?

yeah. pm me with what your looking for. i can give u a routine

sweet…ill send you a pic of our workout station thats colleting dust in the basement, winter is coming, I have athsma and cant do much in the cold air…so now is the time to start up. Ill pm you a lil later…Thanks!