set a new bench record at my gym in philly...

Cant you read dbag “No homo” meaning nothing gay

you flat out do not request pics of another guy, there are no exceptions to this rule.

I have to disagree…typically taller people have an easier time deadlifting no doubt. Longer arms help create a shorter range of motion. But for squats the shorter you are the easier it is. The shorter you are the shorter the range of motion for squats.

As for powerlifting being a lot technique…I will agree 100%. I mean yeah strength plays a huge role…but if you don’t have the technique down then that can greatly reduce the weight you do.

its a huge debate in powerlifting cicrles. but i can tell you out of the 20 or so 1000lb. squatters, almost all of them are close to or above 6ft. most topbenchers are around 5ft9 or so. i met gene rychlak at a meet once?(world record of 1020 bench). he was huge. he was like 2 of me. then he stood up, and came to my chin. taller people have better squats because of the geometry of the lift. there was a fgreat article in powerlifting usa about it. it talked about how taller peolpe typically have smaller arms, but bigger legs and back.

someone, show me how to make this my new sig!!!

I would like to give that article a read…every book and article I read all stated TYPICALLY taller people are better DLers and shorter people are better benchers/squaters…and a lot of other lifts because of leverage and range of motion.

i will find the article and type it up. powerlifting usa doesn’t have a website.

i can do about 185, soo… awesome numbers man.

when you coming back to the burg?
i remember you coming to the shop a while back, you said who u were and from ps, lol. i immeadiatly began retracing my steps and posts in my head, i was thinking shit! i hope i didnt fuck with him on PS, haha

Whitey was there that day, so i didnt feel to confidently safe knowing hes a bigger pussy than me. i belive thats when i went back to the PC and started looking at my recent posts, luckily yopu werent there to kill me. lol

anyways, i been dieing to get “Trained” proprly on the ins and outs of bulking up, my current 140 just doesnt suit me.

so seriously when you get back help a skiiny guy out

im not down with skinny guys…but you look good “skinny” I hate that word.


and thanks, but i want another 30lbs. think cheeks would remove one of his tits?

lol LOL
I cant even say anything on that…

I like his tities…actually.

suck them?

It’s not too hard…eat a lot, often, and clean…while lifting hard and heavy using compound movements. The you have to realize it will take some time…if you can gain 3-4 lbs of LEAN muscle in a month you are doing very good…but after the newbie gains wear off it will slow down a bit.

thanks. i still need my tint done again, so when i drop my car off for winter storage, ill see you. And yes, i will help you out with some tips/training…maybe we can do a little tint discount for some personal training/nutrition advice???

both of you need to stop eating mcdonalds and adrians every day!

and stop :beer: !! !:bash:

nice lift…but what the hell is a bench shirt???

it is a shirt made to make your arms and chest only go in a certain motion. im 6ft1, around 250 or so. picture me putting on a girls size 0 tee shirt…but it doesn’t stretch or rip. that is hoe small my shirt looks. my wife weighs 116lbs, and she can’t put it on. its that tight/small. you have 3 guys help you put it on…1 holds you down, the other 2 grab and pull it down over you. it takes about 10 minutes to get it on.

once on, you stand like a zombie. literally. your arms can not fall down. so when your laying there benching, it keeps you in the power groove of the movement. however, if you miss the groove, you miss the lift, because the shirt wont work. it took me a good 4 bench workoutss to figure out to work my shirt to max capacity. go to they have pics of them.


funny…that was good. but will you come to a room full of powerlifters and say it???:nono: :nono: :nono:

but it was funny. i thought i would get quoted about the gilrs tee shirt.