WOW. PS3's are dropping FASTTTTTTTT!

I can’t find one that sold for over $1,450 and the norm looks like $1,200 or so.I bet the ppl that paid 2K or more feel like complete idiots now.

Probably realized there aren’t any good games, or movies for it. And one good demo. :lol:

It’s been getting blasted hard by a lot of media outlets too.

yea i think the prices will shoot up closer to christmas

I can find them cheaper then 1000 now

Might be a decent gamble to pick up a few for close to 800 maybe.I would if I could.

no way… not with the next batch coming b4 xmas… they will simmer down

If I were u($$$ tip) I would be buying everyone I could and emailing the losing bidders on ebay with them.If you don’t want to let me have a crack at it.If you do and make some $$$,make sure you remember me.

Didn’t the people that waited have yobs to attend?

I am pumped I sold mine at 1700

Fucking jcuz made out like a bandit

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i was gonna have fox put it on ebay for me today…shoulda did it yesterday :frowning:


this makes me lol.

I seriously hope a lot of people lose a ton of money on this.

They’ll be hurting for cash and we’ll see lots of stuff in the classifieds real cheap.

that’s what happens when 80% of the people buying them were trying to re-sell them. Esp since stores are getting new shipments monday

x 76485

my brother has 3 for sale currently

one of his auctions is

he is local so that is good for buffalonians…

really when you think about it if you bought your PS3 right from the retailer there is nothing to lose by putting it on ebay… you won’t sell it for less than your reserve and if it doesn’t sell you can just take it back to the store and get your money back… no lose situation…


i was at best buy today and looked at it and i am not impressed the graphics looks similar to xbox 360 plus the game froze when the kid was playing the game lol. then i moved on to the wii and that i was impressed by

It could of been better , but I am happy for making $64 per hour for sleeping, joking around, and playing my ds

There have been reports of defective systems,one guy got 2 in a row.:tdown:

Hopefully tommorow I can get 2 wii’s.

Buy 2,sell one for $500 = A free Wii for me.

Another forum I’m on two different people got the blinking red light of doom. One oe which would work for 5 minutes before the RLOD came back on. Definatly going to try to get a Wii tomarrow.