New puppies


Those dogs were super nice to me when I was over. Very suspicious at first becuase Iā€™m sure I smelled very good having the 2 beagles at home, but they were extremely friendly. They were also sure to follow me all over the house and outside while I checked everything out, haha.

Iā€™m ready to run my younger beagle who has boundless amounts of energy. Just let me know and Iā€™m sure she will run your dogs just as long as they wish to be run, haha

Very cute puppies. I think youā€™re going to need bigger dog beds though :slight_smile:

the first pic looks kinda like my dog when she was a puppy (colors)

the second ones cute lol

Nice looking dogs Terri! Good choice on the breed too. Our dog is half American Bulldog and half German short hair pointer. We got a chance to meet the dad (American Bulldog) he was about 120lbs, but the friendliest dog Iā€™ve ever met in my life. Ours turned out pretty much the same thankfully. As a pup (the paws should have served as a warning)

Little over a year later pushing 100lbs (not a great pic, but you get the idea)

I donā€™t think I would hesitate to buy a bulldog later in life.

Beautiful dogs Habib! :slight_smile:

Some new pictures :slight_smile:


Nice! Bully breeds are the best.

Iā€™ll come and steal your beer Lee :stuck_out_tongue: My Pup loves Weimarunnerā€™s. They are both from Germany, both sleek, muscular and love to run. The ears are different and the colors also, otherwise they are reasonably similar in temperament/size/activity level. (I have a dobe)

BTW-nice looking American Bulldogs! Anyone mistake them for pit bulls yet? Although, the jaw and face are rather different looking IMO.

Hereā€™s Lady. American Staffordshire Terrior (aka Pitbull). She will be 4 in May.

Sorry so big, I donā€™t Know how to make small pics.

American Bulldogs are very cool. Your female looks very similar to my female American Pitbull Terrier.

Those are some nice lookin pups!

They look like they are doing well. Getting bigger, too

Thanks everyone, they gained 5 pounds in two weeks! Definately getting bigger!!!

we almost got a 3rd beagle today. animal friends on camp horne rd got 6 beagle puppies in recently. they are 8 weeks. needless to say, we almost got one. they are so cute, pics will be posted monday.