New Ride - Pics!

Very nice, especially the stacks :tup:

What are your plans for it? Got a house to haul or something?


Nice vehicle. I want a 12 valve with NV4500 and no rust. Find me one.

If your torque plate is flat be easy on the pedal at low rpm / low boost, you don’t want to overfuel at low rpm, that plate is shaped to prevent that. Your egt is still too high, you should not exceed 1200. Your exhaust system was a step in the right direction. A larger turbine housing should be your next step to lower the egt.


The only downfall to the NV4500HD is the stupid 5th gear setup, it will eventually turn itself into a 4 speed after the 5th gear retaining nut falls off…
I know why the torque plate is shaped the way it is. At low rpm/low boost, the gov isn’t following the plate at all. The AFC arm holds the gov arm back until boost rises. As boost comes up, the AFC arm slowly moves out of the way allowing more fuel until the gov arm reaches the plate. There’s a zero boost fuel screw on the AFC housing as well as a star wheel to adjust the spring tension on the AFC diaphragm to allow for different fueling levels at zero and partial boost. I have it tuned pretty well I think. At zero boost I’ll get just the slightest puff of smoke if I hammer down on the pedal and at partial boost with lots of pedal I’ll get a very slight haze from the exhaust. Some guys tune them so they look like a forest fire, I’m not sure why…just seems to waste lots of fuel. She spools a LOT sooner tuned the way it is now compared to stock. I don’t really want to go to a bigger turbine housing just because this thing spools so early. The guys that have upgraded them say they get pretty laggy. It’s kinda fun blowing the doors off just about anything on the road off a red light :slight_smile: .
1350 is hot as far as EGT goes, but it doesn’t stay there for long. If I bury my foot in it on a hill in 4th gear it’ll hit that temp for maybe 5 seconds until it hits the governor and defuels. It doesn’t bother me. I can only imagine how hot a sled puller gets. When I’m towing I watch the pyro like a hawk and don’t let it get over 1250. It rarely tries to get that warm anyway, but then again I don’t drive it like an idiot with 8000 pounds behind it. :slight_smile:

As far as future plans, I don’t have many. It’s just on to cosmetics now. I really need a deer killer for it and probably just do a bunch of paint touch up. I have to put the CB in too. I took it out of my old truck but haven’t had time to install it yet.

Nice truck.:tup:
I am sure I will see it/hear it/smell it in The Greater Springville Area.:biglaugh:

lol @ deer killer

Very Nice truck, props for havin ur cake & eatin to

thats cool as hell
nice truck


The only downfall to the NV4500HD is the stupid 5th gear setup, it will eventually turn itself into a 4 speed after the 5th gear retaining nut falls off…


You can buy kits to fix that. Or if you are a real redneck you can weld the nut on. I am really impressed by those 4500s after seeing what we do to them on our transfer case test cell at work (300 lb-ft in, 1670 lb-ft out in first gear for eight hours).

You should put this Ranch Hand bumper on it.

And if you are worried about spool up, you should go with a twin turbocharger setup. “Even the turbocharger has a turbocharger…” :lol:



You can buy kits to fix that. Or if you are a real redneck you can weld the nut on. I am really impressed by those 4500s after seeing what we do to them on our transfer case test cell at work (300 lb-ft in, 1670 lb-ft out in first gear for eight hours).

You should put this Ranch Hand bumper on it.

And if you are worried about spool up, you should go with a twin turbocharger setup. “Even the turbocharger has a turbocharger…” :lol:


They’re awesome trannies…that certainly is a beating. The updated 5th gear nut is a band-aid I’ve been told. The only real cure is a new mainshaft. Oh well, I’ll deal with it when it breaks.
That is def the deer killer I’m looking for…I need one. Now.
And twins would be sweet…maybe someday. I’m trying to finish my '49 so the budget is tight.