New S14 - needs floor patches- do not own welder

Hi Everyone,

I recently picked up an s14 and it needs a couple patches on the floor and a bit of strut tower work. not much though, I have the knowledge to do such a job, as im a race tech for an ALMS team however i do not have a welder right now nor have acess to a place to do this.

I am located in Barrie, but the car is in Newmarket. If there is anyone willing to help me that lives either in Barrie, Or the south side of Lake simcoe that would be awesome!


race tech for ALMS, please post details. That is a dream job.

s13counterpart, is a really good welder that lives in barrie.

pm, you can come by and use my lincoln 140… I need to do my floors to so maybe we can help eachother out.