new server = problems

Ever since the new server went in, I could not open pittspeed at work. I keep getting a HTTP 500 error. I can open the site by using the IP address instead of the domain name, but no images load and I have to enter my user name every time I visit the site, and to post. I don’t have access to our proxy server and I can’t call in a service order and say “I am having trouble accessing from my PC” :mad:

we’re just trying to keep u doing ur work duities,no whoring up P/S!!! :smiley:

it’s working. :frowning:

you do computer tech right? and you can’t figure this out?

try modding the host file on your local machine, add

I already did that and it still did not work. And yea I am a tech, but there are a lot of things that we do not have access to that are managed by our corporate offices. Proxy server, exchange, domain controllers, etc. We just basically deal with local pcs and file and printer servers.

what does pittspeed resolve to on your PC currently? the old IP? if it does its just something to do with the DNS.

i wasn’t sure what level of tech you were… some reason i thought you were network admin.

I do some of the things an admin does, but a lot of stuff is corp. controlled. When we need to add IP addresses to the DHCP scope, that is done corporately, if a new switch needs configured and installed, we do that.

run ipconfig /dnsflush on your machine then see where resolves too

I ran it on my pc and it still will not resolve It keeps timing out. I can access the site by ip address, but I have to re-login every few clicks and the images do not load. I tried a few other PC’s and got the same result. I wonder if this is a proxy or router issue? Either way, they are both administered by corporate so I’m fucked unless this somehow takes a while to clear out the DNS list on the proxy server.