NEW Shirt Design

i just put in the order for the old syle today…

I can print the shirt without the back too!!!

I am in the process of building an online store. this way you will see what i can make and then just order through there.

um no

yeah im not really feelin the popcorn thing, if you are looking for honest feedback. the front is kickass though. I still think that incorporating into a Heineken or Corona type thing would be cool too. The popcorn thing… no one is gonna have a clue about that. Just my .02.

did you hear me say that I AM OFFERING WITHOUT THE BACK TOO!!!

no but i did read it on my computer screen. :wink:

easy killer. :love:

want him out,i take care of it for u sir!


no,like this :ban: :wtcslap:



blue or army green

if you can put the old back design on the new shirt and keep the front i want one, cuz the front is bad ass :blue:

Any updates?

the screens are getting set up as we speak, i just saw the proof yesterday