Today was the 1st MOMs Race.

Had a couple decent runs.
Best numbers tonight…

60’ - 1.453
1/8 et - 6.48
1/8 mph - 106.11
1/4 et - 10.17
1/4 mph - 132.78


There is still some bugs we are working out. I would like to dial in the motor again, then do some nitrous passes when i know its on kill.

:tup: BIG HANDS To killing his et and trap record he set last year (bottled and NA ) :tup::headbang:

excellent stuff dude, can’t wait to see you run in person :slight_smile:

HUGE PROPS to both of ya
:smiley: thanks guys

wheels up?

wow, huge :tup: choda!

wow nice man :tup:

of course… :bigsmile:

traction wasnt good at all. it popped up a bunch of times nothing new.

I look for some action pics… but it felt same as last year both tires up but only a little bit

…cruized by mighty… no one was out

1.4 60’ Man, If I could get that…Id still be slower than Choda BUT, Id be happy :slight_smile:

:tup: to a ol’ school carb’ed fast car.


christ. hello 9s…

Nice 60ft.

Sounds good, keep er goin straight

Wow, awesome CHode! Youre well on your way to becoming a 9 second hero. Outlawz 4 Lyfe :lol: Wait til i tell Oroc about this, hes gonna crank the boost up on his F1R to 28 now :eek:

we’ll see


good stuff choda :tup:

Nice start to the season!!! Hopefully I’ll make it out to a MOMS race this year, even if it’s just to watch, but I’d like to see your car go. You should reward yourself with some new headlights:D

Yeah, didnt even notice roughly 2 tenths till 9s…fuckin cage…lol.

That cars prolly already lightened(sp) up as much as it can huh? Besides you said you could use some more tuning (got a wide band on there)???

THEN, from the way you worded it…you didnt even use the spray???Oh fuck yeah thats a 9sec car.
:tup: son

You should reward yourself with some new headlights
Toothpaste works good on clearing those cataracs up. :wink:

Hopefully we will! Great times man!

they are on the way :tup:

Big Hands has a nice LM1, we are already planning a day to plug it in.
i weighed the car once i got there - 2940 i believe. I could shed some more weight but i just added it, and it makes the car so much cleaner with a full matching interior. i shouldnt need to drop lbs to gain et at this point.

cage - im not doing shit untill i get booted from every track around. Then maybe, MAYBE ill put a cage in it.

damn…nice man!! :tup:. sorry I couldn’t come with you guys, I had band practice tonight and we got shows comin up so yeah…couldnt miss it. When I get my car inspected I’ll come up with you next time and see what the old beast runs…itl b slow but eh…just for shits and giggles lol. Good job though, soooo close to 9s. :slight_smile: