new to pittspeed

Hmm well I totally forgot this site existed for a while and just found it again
Anyways I have a 92 Civic Hatch and a 95 Civic Coupe I am trying to get rid of
So hi

this is not craigslist noob

Pm me me pics and prices


welcome noob…but ya this isnt a place to just unload ur honda shit


fist yourself!

Welcome to Pittspeed… Where every thread is basically the same eight homosexual douchebags talking shit to one another :nuts:. I hope you enjoy your stay and try not to waste too much time. :jerkit:

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha so true lol

Pics for proof?



No no No… they aren’t douche bags… they are Pittspeed OG’s!!!


dam young whippersnappers…

…o i mean, welcome


I love newb threads

welcome :beer: