New to site (T/A Guy with the flying TTOP)

Well, now I know that the T-Tops will break if they fly off the car 50’ when doing 100+ in the air. I’m from Youngstown, OH… friends with 11secmach. Everyone says that in the video it looks like GOT SVT beat me, but I won the race… Just wondering if you would like a rematch or if anyone wants to race [for fun/or money (I don’t get too many people to race on the street)] let me know…

Welcome dude.

Also looked good film :rofl:

im sure you guys can get a rematch this saturday FLD’s again, sorry to hear about the ttops just glad i got it on film. Welcome!

haha, welcome!


yea youre famous now man…its on the net he beat you it must be true…:slight_smile:

hahah welcome aboard…nice car…



Contact JJ’s Automotive for a new T-top

he did! :boink



Welcome! The intarweb made you famous! :smiley:



welcome, i missed the t-top but was there and some kid told me “yeah man, that guy is fucked, those things cost like 2 grand” :rofl:

ya those things are like a grand a peice, but welcome!

sweet… i was there when the ttop flew off, it defintly got some height… welcome

hey man look for me tomorrow night. i got your T top

new 550 at the most!