anyone have a passenger side T-top? Need ASAP Have cash

Long story short, took my buddy for a ride in my car…at 110 both T-tops flew off…one hit the road (and is perfectly fine, figure that one out) and the other hit the grass and shattered. I need a passenger side t-top ASAP.

wtf? put them on correctly next time and this wont happen.

what the fuck, hahaha, what the hell is wrong with you drew, check craigslist cuz i dont think anyones going to have them just laying around, atleast on this site

I had my car on the lift all day doing some welding and when you put it on the lift, you crack the t-tops or else when you lift the car up when the body flexes it could crack them…well when I took my car off the lift my buddy wanted to go for a ride so we both forgot to lock them…I had my windows cracked a little and at 110 they both flew off.

quoted for ownage at a later date :haha

theirs a junkyard in greenfield that has one…im just wondering if anyone knows where I can get one local/.



yeah caus mistakes don’t happen

ive never heard of t-tops cracking like that, atleast ive never had that problem

youre living proof that mistakes happen :lol

but seriously, sure, seems top happen alot on TA/camaros… i guess thye are just too eager to go burnout that they neglect to check over the car.(my friend had a t top come off in his neighbor hood years ago, nothing happened to it though)

hes lucky that while doing 110 a t top didnt fly off and hit someones car, hed be looking for a good lawyer.

My ex GF has a Camaro, go steal one of hers :lol:

JK Kate (since ur a member yo)

pics of her nakid or me and brett are leaving H’s on ur lawn tonight

I havent either…but he worked at a Chevy dealer and he said he would get bitched at all the time by his boss for not cracking the handle on t-tops because they crack

it makes me giggle when you try to insult me, a measly little high schooler. dont you have more important things to do? :haha

they both flew over a truck behind us.;

Nevermind…have one on its way to my house as we speak.

i think u just made this thread so u can brag about going 110



I made this thread to get a T-top…and it worked. John saw my thread, called me up and he has a T-top.

daddy says no deleting this thread!

Back in 02/03 I raced a late model 4th gen and watched his t-top blow right off the car in my read view mirror. It seems to be a common problem with these things… I’ve heard about it happening many times.