New to the Area


Yes. We have been using google and her screen name to put this together. Is it that CLEAR? :facepalm:

Come back once you get your foot out of your mouth.

And this wasn’t even a thread about heal toeing automatics :tif:

Or cutting off the Amherst police from free tim hortons :tif:

Well, that escalated quickly. Am I missing some sort of inside joke on who this person really is?

Fucking crazy people in here, attacking me for saying hello and defending her. Posting her IP, finding a personals page of her screenname and guessing her name and how many kids she has? Go screw yourselves, in the nicest way.

Hi, i’m out of the loop.

welcome and carry on gents


And the fact you’re posting these mind fuck statements of “Don’t worry I have a GF” makes you seem rapey and worse then everyone else.

Do you honestly believe I am even remotely the same person as I was 13 years ago? I barely remember that… why do you?

Hi Bing check out the NYSpeed mod section.

Lol at rapey.

It will forever live in infamy

He is a creepy Ginger… Maybe they have super human memory?


It’s up there with the top 10 funniest things to ever happen on NYSpeed/UBRF

The funniest thing back then, when we were all immature assholes? Sure, I’ll buy that. Sadly, I was a kid who just found UBRF one week earlier than that, didn’t know anything about cars and said something stupid trying to fit in. 13 years later, that’s still funny? I haven’t even seen you in 8+ years, have I? I can see it being a funny inside joke to a close friend of mine, saying it just to irk me as a reminder of times long past, but I don’t know who you are anymore, other than a screen name and “he’s good with computers”. That’s a little weird, man.

You should own the fact it’s funny and not get so defensive even if it was a funny comment 8+ years ago.

The other thing you might want to consider is updating your username which is also a never ending joke.

My bigger question is why wasn’t this post moved to the introductions section?

I have another NYSpeed classic picture if you don’t like UBRF jokes.

you know the average age of a forum user is getting up there when a girl shows and instead of leg humping all the guys here just argue with each other while ignoring her.

Everyone is old enough to understand if a girl gets on a car forum and posts an intro thread.

  1. Its a bot
  2. Its a troll
  3. She is socially awkward
  4. Stalking someone

Normal girls who join car forums usually interact with threads way before posting an intro based on understanding the above concepts.

Or they’re in such disbelief that a girl would be here, they stalk her IP address, look her up on dating websites and google her name. Remind me not to piss off the mods around here…