New to the forum from Saratoga

I see you finally joined here, after I sent you a link almost 2 years ago

welcome to shift518. Also I would like to thank you for creating a nice into thread and not joining and immediately trying to pick fights like some other recent memberscough

Clean stang. I’m likin the “terminator” on the front :lol

1 bigmofo welcome to hell lolololol when we racin man lololol

thanks again everyone. I know you sent me the link forever ago Paul, im a slacker :slight_smile:

I had the car down to the lot once or twice this summer. I dont drive it much thats why some of you may not have seen it. I will have it out and about this summer so im sure i will se a lot of you.

88slowmaro, dont worry man, someday well get a chance to line them up. just be patient with me, i have a lot going on this summer with the new house and the wedding in less than 2 months!!. I really want to check that car out anyway!

we will man no rush lololol good luck wit everything .besides my car s slow

you dont have to worry about that from me bro, im not here to start trouble. i cant stand drama and dont want anything to do with it.

so far this site looks pretty cool!

and im gay because I have a Mustang so i guess were even :rofl

well at least e admit our faults lololol , so how bad did i get bashed after i left lolol . i even left slowly

actually no one said anything. as long as you behave no one cares that you drive a camaro or anything else for that matter. we just have a god spot and done want to ruin it and get kicked out…

Whats up ya big sexy! :lmao Welcome to the site!

Thanks Adam, that car done bro? I cant wait to see that bad boy!!!

where were you last night?


its ok, its just a GT with Cobra bumpers anyway :slight_smile: LOL

and I think you invited me dude!!!

:rofl oh yea. :thumbup good to see ya again last night big homie!!

yea man, thanks for the invite. My son had a blast!!! Im thinking of getting him into racing go karts or something so he is ready to bang gears and run with all us old farts when he is old enough… LOL

Hopefully after the car is tuned I will get a free chance to bring it up and take it for some runs… I better get my driver mod on if your all going to be watching :slight_smile:


nice ride Shawn, i like the wheels man!!

Thanks. I was actually thinking of junkin it.

what did I miss? why would you junk your car?

I had a revelation.