New topic: Waynes new pool table!

hahaha I’m dying right now.


THANK YOU! thought it was just me.

def not just you, these are about as funny as the “I see stupid people” t-shirts…or any t-shirt with a half wit catch phrase on it

I am SO sorry for not having the same sense of humor as you guys. PLEASE forgive me.

Whatever will I do?

Stop getting butthurt every time someone makes a post anywhere near yours.

Fixed it for you.

Fixed that for you.

Right back at ya!


rofl right now. this thread just got infinitely more funnies.

I don’t get why the fuck you people just can’t keep your mouths shut. If you don’t like something, move along. Simple as 1 2 3. There isn’t anything to debate here, so your ‘ugh’ is useless and not needed. Oh I forgot, ya’ll aren’t like this in person. You’re actually all really nice and polite…but since it’s the interwebz, we can all be ass holes and douche bags to each other. Awesome.

:rofl You win, you can have it. Just get it out of my personal space.

Bags o’ sand

This is a great example of you getting butthurt.

Thanks for going OT btw jerk, this thread is about Wayne’s new pool table.

FU JClark. F. U. I wish someone punchasizes your genitals. :rofl

you made a post on an internet forum about mood badges, you should have been prepared for the bashing…

just as if you came to me in real life and asked me about mood badges…the only difference is that I cannot physically laugh in your face over the internet

You’re going to sit here and say that not one of them is funny? You’re lying. I’m sure more than one of them made you chuckle.

They’re funny like low IQ trailer trash bumper stickers funny…soo…not that funny.

I expect to see these on the fat antisocial guy wearing a Stewie Griffin shirt.

Edit: The general idea that the merits of the funny must be discussed is in itself nullifying what very little funny was actually in the link.

Ban 1.