Who drives the charger with the plate...

POLICE ??? You cut me off yesterday. Jackass. And what’s with the stupid lights all over your car? And the push bar? Come on - it’s not like you are going off roading any time soon. And you need to just quit with that ridiculous horn. Stupid ricer. You are lucky I wasn’t driving my other car, or else I would have pulled planes on treadmills on you.

FAIL early as hell too


Makes the day crew look bad

It’s better than “I’m wasted, where is everyone”

^^^has aa point there

this thread sucks

Makes me want to go to the SAE shop real quick, grab a 5 lb seldge, and fix that buldge in your hood, then maybe you could see over it and not get cut off… :stuck_out_tongue:

Anything is better then this I guess

What’s happening to this place??

females and gays are taking over?

i lol’ed but def. TOO SOON.

Oh your such a piece of shit. I explained to you in a PM why I was so pissed and yet you to continue to be a dickhead. Do you honestly think your funny? How funny would it be to actually see me out? When the fuck are you retards gonna learn that the magical cloaking device you call the internet doesn’t carry over into the real world.

even though i think you are a fucking worthless piece of cowshit, i agreed.

yep… +1. we have a rep to uphold.

at this point in the thread I agreed… boy was I wrong though…

just shut the fuck up and end yourself

haha jepso

thread recovery!!

Ok here we go…10 more pages of insults, bodily harm threats…etc.

jesse is sweet.

sureshot007 is fucking feebs

Honestly, I think it would be funny as shit. You beat Jim up, he calls the police, you get arrested. He then calls a lawyer and takes everything you have and everything you will ever have. You have to change your screen name from Muscle50 to MuscleITakeTheBusEverywhere.

Grow up. This isn’t highschool where things get settled at 3pm by the flagpole. You shouldn’t be surprised that people will constantly provoke you when you react like this because it’s pretty amusing.

You act like you’d prefer something else.

You seem annoyed where the thread is headed, knowing full well that drama was bound to ensue.

There is automotive talk on this forum, there are track days held and many members auto-x.

But sometimes, we like to banter.

least you agreed with me cutie :wink:

