Who drives the charger with the plate...




perfect reply. HAHAHAH :pimp:


You act like you’d prefer something else.


Me? Never. I’m sorry if that is the impression I gave. I certainly don’t feel like doing work today. :slight_smile:


ok ok ok ok ok.

  1. Jesse has a point. The internet is not a cloaking device and when you talk shit to someone here it’s as good as talking it to their face and if someone should choose to cause bodily harm over it, well, that is what he chooses to do… So with that in mind you should always watch what you say because you never know who you are talking to.

  2. Jim doesn’t need to be within 2 feet to cause bodily harm, i’ll give him 1,500 feet. Easy.

  3. Both of you let it go already, these things happen, who cares.




You sit at home some nights beating off to Patrick Swayze in Road House don’t you? “Oh boy, he’s gonna beat up another guy…Spoooooge”.


You sit at home some nights beating off to Patrick Swayze in Road House don’t you? “Oh boy, he’s gonna beat up another guy…Spoooooge”.


i usually like your posts but you totally just ripped off Ron White with this line from the blue collar comedy tour so -1

This thing is losing steam. Where is Violator?


i usually like your posts but you totally just ripped off Ron White with this line from the blue collar comedy tour so -1


:lol: Yeah, busted. But it seemed so appropriate here. Can’t you see him working as that bouncer Ron was describing in that bit?

jesse > sureshot (not u adam) :lol:

thread = :deadhorse:


:lol: Yeah, busted. But it seemed so appropriate here. Can’t you see him working as that bouncer Ron was describing in that bit?


aaahhahaha at least you admit you took it :tup: i knew it sounded familiar from somewhere but yeah its not a bar id likely to be goin in, no patrick swayze bouncers for me, those are the kind of bouncers you find at The Tool Box like in wayne’s world :lol:


jesse > sureshot (not u adam) :lol:


fucking biter

lol the best part of this thread is that it had absolutely nothing to do with muscle50 and everything to do with being a retarded parody thread, but he thought someone might be possibly in some sort of way potentially be challenging his manhood so he came in here and went all violator on sureshot007.

Way to go. :clap:



lol the best part of this thread is that it had absolutely nothing to do with muscle50 and everything to do with being a retarded parody thread, but he thought someone might be possibly in some sort of way potentially be challenging his manhood so he came in here and went all violator on sureshot007.

Way to go. :clap:



Are you retarded?


Are you retarded?


Lemme check… Nope, a mix of German, English, and Irish. You?

IDK, i think it was def directed t’wards M50

jesus, is it snowing up there already?

Well I guess there’s no explicit taunting of him or not, so each of us has to individually choose whether it’s a harmless parody thread or a jab at muscle50. Neither of us is right or wrong, it’s a matter of individual choice of what meaning to assign to it.

I chose harmless parody thread. Muscle50 chose to interpret it as an offensive taunt.

I thought I had a point to make. Doesn’t seem like it though. Maybe just that he could have just as easily chosen to shrug it off as a harmless parody thread? That’s not really a point either, more of an observation. Hmm… I guess I have no point. :tup:


jesus, is it snowing up there already?


50’s and sunny, but it is the 1 year anniversary of the October storm.


When the fuck are you retards gonna learn that the magical cloaking device you call the internet doesn’t carry over into the real world.


hahah fucking classic, Cloaking device. If I had my sig back I’d deff quote this.