Who drives the charger with the plate...

I’m pretty sure it was a jab at jesse

Im confused, how was it a stab at Jesse(im out of the loop yo). Also i can beat up all of you… at the same time.

muscle50 made a post about getting cut-off, the guy that cut him off was sureshot007

now sureshot007 makes a parody thread making fun of muscle50’s thread

how the fuck is that not a stab at muscle50??


muscle50 made a post about getting cut-off, the guy that cut him off was sureshot007

now sureshot007 makes a parody thread making fun of muscle50’s thread

how the fuck is that not a stab at muscle50??



Here is an easy answer, it’s the internet so who cares?






OK sure it was a direct insult to muscle50. You guys have fun. I’m done.

I thought the thread was hilarious.

Until thugs poured in and quashed the humor

but now it’s going to be entertaining for at least 3 hours

Cumshot007 is a fag who cares and JayS drives a slow ass goat .


Oh your such a piece of shit. I explained to you in a PM why I was so pissed and yet you to continue to be a dickhead. Do you honestly think your funny? How funny would it be to actually see me out? When the fuck are you retards gonna learn that the magical cloaking device you call the internet doesn’t carry over into the real world.


Why does every fucking response from you involve, o im gonna kick your ass, o meet me here. It gets fucking old, its the internet, get a sense of fucking humor, lighten up and take it like a man.



I thought the thread was hilarious.

Until thugs poured in and quashed the humor

but now it’s going to be entertaining for at least 3 hours


+1 I dont know jesse dont have anything against him but i lol’d but he is taking it way too presonally. Relax dude, your gonna give yourself high blood pressure.

wtf. why did all the meatheads exit the thread?

they’re outside the school by the flagpole :smiley:

It’s not 3pm yet though.

But it is lunch time. There’s a fight in the cafeteria by the cool table.

im out, im gonna get a good spot on the see saw to watch this ish go down.

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:51,topic:36865"”]

Why does every fucking response from you involve, o im gonna kick your ass, o meet me here. It gets fucking old, its the internet, get a sense of fucking humor, lighten up and take it like a man.



Because it’s funny how tough you pussies act on an internet forum. Aside from Estorvito, not one of you loud mouth internet badasses would say shit to me if I was standing in front of you. Like you for instance Mr.MightyTacoEveryNightCauseIdon’tHaveaFuckinLifeSinceMyGirlLeftMeCauseISpitAllOverHerWithMyLisp , I’ll stop by Mighty tonight, and we can pick up this conversation then. I guarantee your point of view changes.


Because it’s funny how tough you pussies act on an internet forum. Aside from Estorvito, not one of you loud mouth internet badasses would say shit to me if I was standing in front of you. Like you for instance Mr.MightyTacoEveryNightCauseIdon’tHaveaFuckinLifeSinceMyGirlLeftMeCauseISpitAllOverHerWithMyLisp , I’ll stop by Mighty tonight, and we can pick up this conversation then. I guarantee your point of view changes.


Find a post where i said ill kick your ass, o meet me here on lunch. You wont find one because its not me, i realize its the internet. I dont try or claim to be a badass on the internet, because once again i realize its the FUCKING INTERNET…

and yes i live at mighty taco you got me, i think ill been there a total of maybe 5 times max in the last month. And in person my point of view wont change, because ive meet you in person and its like 2 totally different people.

But ill let you go on arguing over the internet, i dont see the point thats why i stay out of it usually.

Wow - again I go to class and shit gets out of control. I think I am going to drop out of school just to keep an eye on the day crew.

This is a parody thread. I never said anything that would be consider provoking about muscle50. If that was my intent, I would have made some stab about following too close, or driving too fast for the rain in my tank of a car, or something dumb like that. I didn’t. The mental image of me getting all worked up because a cop cut me off sounded funny to me. You need to relax.

Back to our regularly scheduled funny.