people who drive ex-cop cars

man i hate this shit. i cant stand it.

the other day i was crusing down millersport, going to get on the 290 after work. im talking to my gf on my phone, when all of a sudden i look in my rear view and see a blue police interceptor crown vic on my ass. i do what i usually do, set my phone on my lap, scream “fucking cop i’ll call you back” and hang up.

po-tron rides my ass for a bit on millersport. litterally, i cant see his headlights the entire time. i get on the on ramp to the 290, same shit, inches away from my bumper. i figure he’s just waiting to get on the highway to pull me over.

so i pull on the highway and merge, he flys into the left lane, and passes me. im like WTF, i was completely expecting to be pulled over. i glance over, and its like a fucking 19 year old kid in a flannel shirt. MOTHERFUCKER

he had a brush guard on the front, still had the big spotlight on the side, that shit should be illegal! the worst!! tailgating me for no reason, other than to scare me bc he drives an ex-cop car???


IanK and I deff saw this kid/car on main st when we were going to some art show/dance party. He was crushing beers and had a skateboard on the rear deck. Well maybe it wasnt the same kid but fits the bill. Man i want some pounders right now.

i share your hate for these fggts jam.

lol. i just crushed a growler of scotch ale, so good

lots of these dbs in cali?

i miss dannyboy

its one thing when people have these cars, and have everything removed. It seem like every punk kid has one though and thinks he can drive like he owns the road.

Which Scotch ale?

I drank like 3 pitchers of rohrbach’s the other day while in Roch at Dino BBQ. Twas a great day. No d-bags in ex-cop cars ruining my vibe.

rohrbachs, a friend brought it back from rochester for me. havent had it in a while, shit is legit!

Hey don’t worry…whoever the kid is will do it to the wrong person and get busted by an off duty cop one of these days.

Seems like a growing trend these days with the ex-cop cars being driven around. I see a lot of them in Kenmore and Town of Tonawanda.

my buddy in CT had one of these for a winter beater and one time a statey pulled up next to him at a light. they awkwardly exchanged looks, and the cop gave him the Nazi “heil” (you know, where they hit their chest and put the arm out to the air). my friend just nodded and moved along when the light changed…figuring it was best to just agree and move on hahaha.

probably didn’t help he is blonde/blue eyed, either.


If I’m ducking cabs, its because theyre like feds in my rear view.

Normally doesn’t bother me because 95% of the ex police cars are so busted looking you can immediately tell they’re not real police.

Unless you’re in the city :roflpicard:

Mine worked well, it was awesome. Next time I’ll through on the lights so you really shit a brick!


Yeah, forgot about how busted BPD cars are because I almost never go into Buffalo anymore. Heh

ehh a fair number, some dbag around the corner from me has one in like perfect condition, and COVERS IT every night.
