yesssssssssssssssssss! thanks for the title fix!
Wayne’s getting a new pool table? :lol
for free i guess!
So much misdirected anger in this thread.
This one time we almost bought a pepsi machine for 25 bucks but i didnt wanna wait or carry it
i dunno if it is misdirected or Ilya angry at everybody who doesn’t find mood pins funny
but then you would have to pay twice for soda…
it came with unlimited free soda!
WAT? This thread is about a pool table. That is all.
I couldn’t find the post about emo kids being in stitches to comment on, but nice to see we’re on the same page here.
Wayne, this thread is about Pepsi machines. If you want to talk about pool tables, please go make your own thread, k?
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
what kind of pool table did you get wayne?
He has no idea.
Long story.
check thread title. kthxbye.
I got the J-clark special pool table. He has the specs, i just gotta get over there and pick it up!
J-clark - where can i pick this up? pm addy?
yea the pool table thread is sooooo 5 minutes ago, this about pepsi machines with an unlimited supply of soda
somebody should change the thread title
lol this thread is awesome. Someone tell ILYA to post more stupid shit.
^^ 3:45