New Wheels (new pics page 2)

Crappy pics… digital camera wasnt charged

the snow tires are mounted on them, so they have a bunch more sidewall then summer tires… so the car is riding a little high

hot hot hot

in reality its only 1/4" stripe i dont know why the digital camera made em look so big

they are flat black CSL wheels



that looks sexy

black on black with a red lip works really well on hondas…but it doesnt do it for me with your bmw. sorry. maybe if the car was another color

i like them.


I am curious like a cat…how much does an M3 like your run?

they look nice… i saw a Mazda 3 with the same wheels on the 290 last saturday though… sorry for your loss

looks good. nice choice


I’d have to disagree. I think they look awesome on your BMW. Black on black with a touch of red, just perfect!

Looks good. Two thumbs up!

howd you know?

They look good, but I already told you that. I might actually like them more than your other wheels.

Very nice. :tup:

I like these a LOT better than the other wheels. Nice!

I still miss the rims that were on it when you bought it, but it’s not my car.