New wheels poll

Having a hard time deciding between these sets of wheels. Option 1 & 3 are pretty comparable in price. Option 2 would be like a $900 savings. Car in question is mineral grey that might turn into a sonic blue cobra come spring.


The last picture. Although they all kinda suck.

if i absolutely had to pick, i’d say the last ones. i’m not a fan of chrome at all though.

cobra rs

MGM work meisters is what I would recommend though…

1 I guess, but maybe something other than chrome?

What about like these?


If going chrome, I like these better

I’m not looking for chrome. These ones just happen to be that. lol
1st set is chrome
2nd set is silver
3rd set is polished

Not looking to spend the money that brand new wheels cost so just going by whats for sale used.

cobra r’s and those fr500s are everywhere.
I like those other ones. But again, just able to go by whats for sale used out there.

Find more options and come back please…

Lol Newman, you sure love meisters.

Imo get the meisters and be siq like this guy.

man you love these wheels!! lol. if everybody listened to you and bought them, everyone in WNY would have them lol.

I think they look good on everything. But I actually hope no one gets them because when I have the money I’m putting a set on my lotus.

dont worry i dont think anyone is gonna get them lol.

No doubt, I think the they look the best. The other 2 have too much open space I think.


have you seen the true forged chicanes those are hot! but otherwise i like #1