NEW worlds fastest STREET CAR

how about taking this to the track weds night and out on the weekends…and i dont care about all you big tire bs blah blah blah


Holy balls

fucking silly ass driver, driving the fucking balls off it with one hand on wheel, the other graabbbbbbbboing gears! guy is no joke with a SERIOUS car!!!

holy shit!wat a nasty car!!!


that is stupid fast…:wow

Hmmmmm, maybe someones TT camaro can do that sometime soon.

:ponder ^^


some of you old dogs may remember the video of this guy taking this car through fast food drive-thru… listen to the turbos at the end…turn up speakers…tweeters at least… lol

Shitzky, his (x)wife laid down a 7.70 4 years ago with less than he has now

Heard what his “base-soft” tune was the other night, proceeded to laugh like a motherfucker. That thing is gonna be silly!

I havent seen him/ talked to him in a while. Kinda out of the loop. He needs to have another pig roast like old times. Burn outs in his driveway! haha

Yup, I remember it all. I was surprised to hear that the car still exists…

sick! lightning rods for the win!

It was at the lot a month ago too

That’s what Gary was saying down @ Hunts.

Thought the car was stuck away never to been seen again after the big D

I do not frequent the lot anymore, last time I was there I felt like I was in a reality show on Univision.

good god damn thats ridiculous