New Years

I know its about 2 weeks away, but im bored and there has been a lack of threads for me to read at work today. So whats everyone doing for New Years? Has anyone done anything in the past that is sooo bad ass they feel like sharing? I am not quite sure what I am doing and I am looking for some possible suggestions. They only thing I know is it will involve heavy amounts of :beer:

I’ll be at 7 springs


where at? we get a condo for the week up in swiss mountian, but i usually make it down to the goggle around the time the ball drops

nothing :frowning:

Springs is leading the way in my book right now. My buddy has a house with 10 bedrooms and a hot tub. That shit sounds pretty good to me.

My little brother (17 yrs old) and his girlfriend, who lives with my parents in Findlay, Ohio is coming to visit from Christmas night until New Years Day. Since the boy hasn’t had a drink in his life, I think its about time he sits down and has one with his big sister. . . maybe. :slight_smile:

umm. where? ill meet you there :smiley:

dunno where ill be…


no clue yet

im not sure where…
my buddy invited me last night and I think i am going to take him up on the offer.

Last year I had a few close friends over. We shot a few blanks from one of my rifles at midnight. My friend’s girlfriend thought we were shooting live rounds, got scared/pissed, and left him there. :laugh:

I usually have a bunch of people over my place. This year I’m scaling it back. Last year had about 20 over, year before that 30. Its just too much of a pain in the ass with people and them not knowing how to make a comitment or plan ahead. Especially when I supply the alchohol and half the food for free. All I ask is for an accurate head count so I have enough stuff.

This year it will be very small and since I bought about $600 each year in hard liquor the past 3 years and it was hardly dented, I don’t have to buy anything except for a case of beer or too…

a case of beer or two?

yeah because I have about $1600 in hard liquor, 4 caes of beer, and 8 bottles of wine all ready. So I need to get some champane, 1 or two more cases of beer, and a few bottles of this new wine we started to drink…

i will probally be at the goggle all night with the wife, i dont know if we are going to get a room or not

no clue, prob. fox since I own that place.

