New Years...

So whats everyone got going on for New Years?!?

Sean, Lace & I were trying to decide if we should do a party or if something better is happening…Any ideas?

I am hosting a gang bang at my house.

I’m there!

Better bring your santa hat big boie!

As long as there are stocking stuffers there!

HAHAH last night my gf and I went to rite aid for some stuff and I yelled across the isle to pick up the stocking stuffers. She goes what are you talking about? I yelled back get a bunch of 2OZ Ky bottles and some sample pack of those new Her please condoms you like so much they will make great stocking stuffers.



No plans yet.
Im not too big on going out and drinking and shit on a holiday like that because of all the cops out.

No plans. Gonna be in the Caribbean on the 2nd though.

Must be nice. I will be where ever OP is

I will be at work all night of the 1st.

Last year me and a bunch of my friends did a “party” type thing at a hotel on western ave…I want to say it was the best western sovereign inn or something like that. I think it was $100 a person for a full dinner, 5 hours of open bar, a hotel room for the night and breakfast in the morning. I got HAMMERED. I know just before they closed the open bar we asked the bar tender to make us pitchers of mixed drinks. I think we got 3 or 4 and brought them back to the room. Was WELL worth it. There was like 150 or so people i want to say, ages ranged from early 20’s to probably 60’s. It got crazy, people dancing on tables, ect

work the morning of the 31st but that night i will be wandering the streets during one of the rare occassions i get drunk, possibly on a bicycle if its not snowing.

not sure yet i requested the night off from work so.


We will be in FL … so watching school bus fig 8’s and then going to a beach party then a house party probably…

I’ll be at P.Diddy’s White party.

I am having a white party for black people.

hanging myself at 11:59