
Hello, I am new to the site. I am on other sites including steelcitystangs I have the same user name on all sites. I have an 2003 cobra work in progress don’t we all have one or more of those.


what u doing to the slobra

Right now waiting for the dealer to finish the repairs as my warranty is expiring so I’m trying to get all the freebies fixed. Then I have some minor mods ready. Most of it is minor cosmetic repairs over the winter. Also, need to decide which clutch to put in it. mine is fried.



sorry to here,but welcome:beer:

welcome :kekegay:


whale cum


Why the hell can I not reply to anything in any of the forums??

u can now with five post :slap: silly ford boy

you have any pics of your car? welcome btw

Yeah, I will post them as soon as I figure it out. I have yet to figure out how to post pics in the reply part without giving a link to a place like photobucket. Can you tell me?

also, how do you add your avitar

now enjoy the other forums!