newbie with a plan and a pile of parts

Heya, stumbled on pittspeed while I was searchin out info for my upcoming build. Right now i’m the proud owner of a 92 Mazda MX-3 GS that’s an aweful “burple” color (soon to be repainted) and a living room full of parts for an upcoming S14.5 build. I’ll be posting more as soon as I get back from Iraq (late june). :nuts:

welcome:beer: be safe


send us your address

when yo get over there

Pittspeed Stickers across the world!!

i’m already here, been here for about a year now, and i’m due to rotate back to the world soon. as soon as i get back i gotta find and buy an S14 to work on. i’ll be doin the build in johnstown, then headin down to the beach to kinda reassociate sand with much nicer things, like chicks in bikinis. start lookin for a silver S14.5 around the end of july, that’ll be me.



welcome! good luck!
