Newest License Plate to slip through


:rofl: :rofl:


why would you even want that as a plate

First in Flight"

I think monkeys were flingin’ turds long before North Carolina.


chad is going to be so jealous

chad will have.


Umm… Now Im not normally a dumbass, but I cant seem to figure out what the hell that stands for?

I finally saw that last week. Wow. :puke:

EW, worst internet fad video evar…

My fave is still the TRM KNG (Trim King) plate I saw near 1st Try last year.

It was worth having to see it once more at the party to see yours and everyone else’s reaction. Priceless gagging reflexes abound.

hahahah nice1!!


Cojones is the man.

Lmao great plate.