NYS Unveils New License Plate Design

Don’t vomit.




Awesome. At least my 125 dollars will go for a different look(25 x 5 vehicles on the road)

looks like they’re going back to the old school color scheme then…

fuck, shit, bitch.

Cock, balls.

Can I at least get one with the old school sabres logo on it?

YUCK :iobarf:
Who the fuck let Paterson pick the color scheme?


LOL who the hell approved this design? LOL

you dont have to celebrate it Christian

haha newman, how much do you love turtles now?

I like them, I always like the dark blue and gold.

New York…

Cant even get aesthetics right :frowning:

Awesome, I’m glad someone got the ref!

Lol Old Shcool

i wonder is someone ordered a plate that says Sabres yet. hence the color scheme

for some reason I think cincinatti.

gay. the yellow looks so grungy. it would a lot better with white instead of yellow.


Looks like the plates that were on the cars when I started driving.


That is horrible
