Newman should have used this...

only 1100 miles on it…

out of this:

which currently looks like this:

holy shit

MR E30? Niice

Out of curiosity how much is/was that? at its finest

That can probably buff right out

turblow skizline is faster

[quote=“layzie,post:4,topic:27256"”] at its finest


haha so jaded. you always say that shit

no clue what its going for. goes up for auction on tuesday, i’ll see if i can find out how much it does


haha so jaded. you always say that shit


whats so jaded is everyone making threads to newman.


whats so jaded is everyone making threads to newman.



newman –>:whip: <– nyspeed humpers


MR E30? Niice

Out of curiosity how much is/was that?


Sold for $83,000

[quote=“layzie,post:4,topic:27256"”] at its finest


Jay > Newman > Layzie

Thats the natural progression…sorry

Is that the Redline wreck?



whats so jaded is everyone making threads to newman.


that doesn’t even make sense dude. do you know what jaded means? :smiley:

either way, w/e… all in good fun :tup:

83000… insanity… thats nuts…


that doesn’t even make sense dude. do you know what jaded means? :smiley:

either way, w/e… all in good fun :tup:


yes i know what it means, incase you forgot

  • Worn out; wearied: “My father’s words had left me jaded and depressed” (William Styron).
  • Dulled by surfeit; sated: “the sickeningly sweet life of the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes” (John Simon).
  • Cynically or pretentiously callous. i only used it in an uncomplete sentence because you used it. kind of like making fun of you. get it!

^^ hahaha