newman cant touch this e30 build

350 in teh e30! plus more!!!..

so hawt.

Ridin’ dubcaps. :pimp:

Did you really have to do that to me? I just ate.

Thats an e30 abomination :gay2:


dont worry newmans car will be on ebay within the year, but with real spinnaz Yo!




That ain’t got shit on “The Dirty”, and nothing probably ever will.

that paint job is absolutley terrible. WHHYYYY

that is fucking terrible!

lol. siiiiiq.

“All aluminum radiator and headers”


da hot shit right thurr

ill take a Nissan straight 6 over a chevy 350…

Ooo what a surprise bidding ends with 0 bids total :gay2:

Answered On

Q: Will you knock something off of the price since the paint is hideous and it has spinner-hubcaps? I’ll buy-it now for $250.
A: I choose not to comment, but I will post your question to let the rest of the world know what a …

i think looking at that car just gave me aids

yeah, the “aluminum headers” thing… total voids any crediblity to what he thinks was done to the car.