Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

cough acid dip cough

im not bitching about him not getting it done.

im just interested in an interesting car.

honestly newman i would tkae your time to the point where when its complete its FLAWless.

why go all out and have it be half-assed anyway?


christ man the kid worked all weekend. give him a break, jesus…

its only nice like 3 months out of the year, he has better things to do with that time. why is everyone talking shit and doubting him? chill the fuck out.


Jesus Christ, do you ppl think my 168hrs comment was serious?

I fucking went to architecture school. Im very familiar with being too busy…


I can answer that for you. I tried soda, then sand on the bottom they didn’t do much with this stuff at all. I then tried to use some solvents but they would not help much either. I guess we are not quite set up for removing this stuff. I have stripped many, many cars inside and out without any problems. I could do it but at this rate it would take like 8 hours. I already have over 4 hours into it. If anyone has any suggestions please share…
This stuff has been nothing but a headache.


So it took you 2 months to do 4 hours of work and figure out you can’t do it?

Whats the updates on this Newman?
Any pictures or info on the bmw?

hey newman when this is done, i will take the 240 off your hands… just sayin. :slight_smile:

Is it just the undercoating on the car thats the problem? If its undercoated so well why would you want to blast it? Just wondering…

i would guess the rust is in the floorpans and theres undercoating all around the surrounding areas


i would guess the rust is in the floorpans and theres undercoating all around the surrounding areas


There was just some surface rust left on the car. I just wanted it all gone so i could paint it. Plus the undercoating has to weigh 50 lbs.

wtf thread? it keeps redirecting me to page 45 when i try to go to page 46.

now i’m on 46…howie fix this!!!


wtf thread? it keeps redirecting me to page 45 when i try to go to page 46.


stop being so 1337 dude…

wtf?!? :uhh:

including today I will have completed 48 hours of work and this is killing me. On my lunch break i need to replace my blower motor in my car and destroy a ham sandwich. hahahah

should be recommencing work in about a month.

These arrived today. They are gold, not orange or yellow as my shitty pic reveals…

Good stuff :tup:


Jesus Christ, do you ppl think my 168hrs comment was serious?

I fucking went to architecture school. Im very familiar with being too busy…



sweet rims man. are u and eviljay gonna cruise together now?


sweet rims man. are u and eviljay gonna cruise together now?


haha. mine totally pwn jay’s

im pretty sure ur whole car is gonna totally pwn jays, but thats just an assumption.

i think he bought his to try and be like you…sad