NEWS: Police Raid Car Enthusiast Gathering, Generate Revenue

We thought everyone should know this.

Police raid Riverside, California parking lot to issue modified car tickets at local car enthusiast gathering.
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“If you’re not into street racing, why would you need that?” Riverside Police Traffic Sergeant Skip Showalter asked an enthusiast during a similar crackdown last year. “Why would you want more power going to your car?”

what a douhce and a fucken joke. ide just say its for tradk days or some shit. then ask him if he needs to carry to a gun to feel like the big man that he’s trying to act like

^^ lol ya that will get them everytime jk

i’d say why do cars from factory today need to come with 300hp? what a douche bag…

that’s like saying any car that’s relatively fast takes part in street racing, so every beamer, mercedes, ferrari, porsche, even dodge charger to saab 93… anyone who owns any sort of car with power takes part in street racing… what a fool


dont they need evidence to give out a ticket or even arrest

This Whole Crack Down On Street Racing Is Designed To Do One Thing And That Is To Make Money. Its All About The Money.


i have never heard of this happening in the GTA… with the exception of darknights…

  1. what exactly happened at darknights?
  2. paperwork violations?? o man im a walking fraud lol

Last year cops were giving out inspection tickets!! What these cops did was an onsite inspection. When you bring your cars out make sure it’s legit( it has the emmision stuff, no holes in our floor or frame rail, tires are good and what not.

Anyone that showed up should pitch on a lawyer.

They should all put in some monye and hire a good lawyer to file a lawsuit against the law enforcement for harrasment.

Isn’t it against the law to give out tickets in a parking lot?
Seeing as how it’s private property?

Law enforcement is not the problem, its the politicians, Mayor’s and the public.

How do you think this 50 over law pass, the news keep showing accidents on the 400hwy’s and blaming it on street racing!!! The public was led to believe that Ontario has a street racing problem and the cops are trying to do their job, but could only hand out tickets.
Before the law pass older people were, yes the government is doing something about racing. They did not know the law will applied to everbody.

thats some bullshit thats why no one should street race. these things are a joke i even heard of people getting tickets for intakes if officer dickhead asks about mine imma say that gives me 200 extra hp i need to upgrade to gogo gadget’s car


if i parked a lambo LP640 there that nite, bone stock,
i would get accused of street racing…and possibly get my car impounded.
and improper exhaust, cuz these comes fucking loud from factory…lol…damn…?

also, 16 + woodbine parking lot had been surround to inspect all “modified” vehicles" in the past i beleive, heard it from a friend not sure in detail.


I used to wonder how people could get exhaust noise tickets when there are Harley Davidson’s on the road which are loud as FUCK!!! They’re basically 2 wheeled mobile explosions, stock from the factory, esp when you put those giant chrome exhausts on them.

How is this logical? Seriously…it makes no sense if you look at it from that perspective.

Cause exhausts on motorcycles are considered a safety feature since a motorcycle is alot harder to see than a car.

Good thread guys!

Another fifty tickets were issued for paperwork violations, dark window tinting and lack of a front license plate.

total lowlife street racers.

That article appeared to be taking a stab at the cops. $509K and 100 officers to raid a car meet? Thats excessive and I know ppl in California would much rather have those resources thrown at gangs, guns and drugs.

They are giving out these inspection tickets again this year.