News stories which bring 3 words to mind: WTF

:wtf is all you can truly say.


yea srsly…some people are just effed

must’ve been a hell of a day for the mother walking into a room to see her daughter and 3 of her grandchildren laying there dead :wow

thats pretty fucked up

this is terrible.

3 kids AND the mom died? damn! no reason for that at all, no reason that should happen.

Lets see them put that on MTV’s Teen Mom

I hate that shit. my gf has that on my dvr out the ass.

They should name it 18yr old trailer trash and knocked up.

That show disgusts me.

That one farrah chick seemed to be a normal clean person. PArents house was pretty nice. She did however seem to be a “chocolate” lover and no suprise the father wasn’t in the picture

Must have missed that one. I see all the shitty kids in highschool, with deadbeat BF’s that work at Mc Donalds and they live in their parents basement, and they seem to think that they will have no problems supporting a baby. idiots.

But yeah ill give the benny of the doubt I am sure there are some that are normal enough, but that doesnt get ratings so they dont look for those.

How fucking fat are you that you can hide being pregnant with triplets?

did you even read the whole article? her family suspected it, but she denied it and said her weight gain was due to medical reasons…