Nice little Drift Video...22mins

…and some crazy sounding compressor surge.

boo asx… how bout a copy i can save to my hdd

i have had this for a while…

friggin sick driving footage, and unreal sounds.

i hate all the dialogue in between though.

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^^^ That all means in English What?

sigh, it still wont let me save because it downloads as .wvx… SOB.

Yep… I tried and tried and failed :frowning:

Bing do you have that exact same file or something localized on your hdd?

good vid, it has been out for a while though…:smiley:

good footage, figures they like wasting bandwidth…

Play it in WMP.

File -> Save As

I just watched this… and,.
the Yashio FACTORY’s s15 video:
the guy was downshifting and ther ewas a huge grinding noise., and the car spun…

lol what the heck did he do?

did he downshift to first??? :? maybe shift locked haha… who knows, im n00b :P.