I was serious when I offered help.
Don’t get angry dude, seriously you bought an older modded vehicle, your going to be working on it a lot, if that frustrates you… then you need to seriously consider selling it. Getting frustrated over dumb little shit every other day like you seem to be is going to lead to you either saying fuck it and neglecting something till the cars finally toast and you’ll be even more fucked, or just half assing it so it works and your going to keep fixing the same little BS issue over and over. Not being a dick at all, just saying you need to keep your cool and just look forward to fixing it and making it right, if you can’t do that and your just pissed off all the time you need to get rid of it before it gets worse.
I missed that post, if you really want to help, I’ll take you up on it 100%.
I don’t mind working on a car. My Alero was a huge POS but once something broke on that and I fixed it, the problem wouldn’t pop back up. With this car it seems like its the same problem over and over again.
Tough to control humidity brah…dont worry about it
This thing needs a gtx42
Looks like its gonna be a scorcher out there folks. Expect 90 degrees or more, high pollen count, no clouds and about a 10psi loss in your turbo vehicles
I hope my turbo diesel box van is gonna make power… otherwise im fucked
Nick find some one who knows what they are doing with this thing
These damn turbocharged vehicles. How can we expect them to work in any type of weather.
ill give you 1500 for the vr4 bro bro
nick… take this offer dude
^ I sell those at my work . Picking one up for alerobrodude tmro . All taken care of!
I just realized thats for humidity rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl
haha that is fuckign halarious
my NA civic is running weird…prob bc of the humidity. im not even at normal atmospheric pressure anymore. it soo humid, earth has dropped to 10.7psi as opposed to 14.7. 4 psi…right off the top. FFUUUUCCKKKKKKK i cant even start it up. the little “not enough atmosphere” light pops on when i turn the key
Dude, its a DSM. your college educated, You should have read about the potential problems that DSMs have before getting involved. they are not for the weak of heart at the beginning. Once you get the bugs worked out of them they are BEAST. They take time and patience and generally you will be under the hood of that car more than once a week. If you can’t commit to a DSM sell it, especially a GVR4.
Well I figured out the problem. My boost controller gave out. Lucky for me, Pete was happy to switch out his Hallman MBC with my shitty one for the night. He played with it a bit, and we had my power back. I was hoping to make a few passes with it tonight, but weather wasn’t allowing it. So I plan to order a new boost controller this week and be at full power next Wednesday, weather allowing it.
its the humidity man
The boost controller probably got some condensation in it from all this humidity
and jon, did you actually stick with quitting smoking or you just to lazy to take it off? :rofl