Nickalero's Facebook Status, yes this is a fb thread

just kill your room mate

If I had the means I would have long been in jail by now.

bare hands

Add “the desire to never own a 10 second car” to my definition of means.

So I don’t have the means :lol

Nickalero and I will consume 4liters of 151 a piece After beating the piss out of every unwanted roommate and guest.

Oh yeaaa

If 70 people actually do show up, the cops will be there anyways. Jerks.

We only have our core group of friends coming so far (20-30). All but 5 or 6 of the random people have replied that they are not coming. Which is good. I am going to make a new event to invite people who I want to invite, since neither of them will make me an admin for the current guest list.

This will probably be a BYOB party, just a heads up.

So who’s down to play captain liter hands?

Ok heres the deal. Get a few of us to bounce at the door for ya all night, we can let in whoever you want, and toss who you dont. And at the end of the night if your roomie gets belligerant, he can get tossed too :lol

Car battery hooked to the doorknob will fuck with lock pickers.

There is gonna be a party either tomorrow night or Saturday night. I’ll send people details when I get an idea of what I want to do together, so give me an hour :lol

haha soooo you didnt want a party, but now your inviting mad people? should we jump your room mate?

Kramer and I will be splitting a liter of captain morgan in order to see who will vomit first.

Yup. Boss liked my story and swapped my workday, so I don’t work this weekend lol

Whatever works man :lol

hahahah win.

In all seriousness, what’s the non-hoodrat-female attendance looking like?

so are we all invited or what?

I’m gonna get fuckin wasted tonight.

Step 1. Grow a fucking pair and stop letting your roomate walk all over you.

Step 2. Find your nuts and stop letting this dick break into your room and “borrow” your shit.

Step 3. Stop asking Shift518 to tell you how much you are being used/stomped upon. Maybe if you spent the time typing this thread talking with your dick roomate you wouldn’t have this problem.

Step 4. Kick him the fuck out.