Im Having a Party

I am having a going away party for my friend Justin from work and I thought I would extend the invite.Let me know…
Saturday Jan.5

Please call 895-0362 and leave a message if you would like to come

Oh boy, exactly how many people do you want there??

god if I were still in high school!!!

this has to be someone left logged in…

??? ORLY

If only she was attractive…

anybody want to crash this?

I tried telling ILC not to crosspost this on every local forum including and…he just wouldn’t listen.

carless is a chick?

yes, she even posted her myspace link for easy lurking.

oh snap house party!

yep. she’s kinda cute too, at least i thought so.

if im thinking of the right person.


House party… Weird Science style?

even better:

i hope you’re thinking of someone else.

i haven’t been to real house party in ages. they don’t seem as appealing as they once did.

sluts? what is the age group here …16-20 or 21-25

what about beer?

if there is grass on the field, play ball?

Siqqqqqq, and I can get that laptop back as well.

i have no problem playing ball with the kids :spunk::gotme: you dont even know …im just saying im over 21 and if there will be beer there and im the only one …not a good time

i’m usually not a big fan of house parties either…but cheektowaga ones tend to be pretty good… nitroinsane can vouch…

…and if there 'aint no grass, play in the dirt?

if you don’t like the original poster

and apparently aren’t interested in going whatsoever

then don’t post