Nickalero's Facebook Status, yes this is a fb thread



This thread= LFMAO that is all.

John your my hero! LOL

mods move this to SRS please…want this off of the eyes of some nosy people…

So did he actually move out?

He switched with another house mate, he went to the bottom floor and the other guy came upstairs. He’s as out as he can be for the situation we’re in. Good riddance, it is def for the better.

Good deal, now throw a party and invite all of shift and we’ll lock your ex room-mate in his room with a padlock.

WTF kind of house is this?

Quit pickle burping and have the party

Party will be happening, just not sure when. That will be for a later time though.

Mods, is there a way to make anyone with my IP addy log in before seeing anything on this forum?
Move it where all the real good threads are (SRS) :lol

so? did the females put out or what?!!?!?!?!!?

Nah, just his trashy girlfriend. Other than that, they only had 2 or 3 people actually show up…me and my floor mates found the rest of who they invited at another friends house, I guess this whole thing has made him some enemies.

And thanks Cossey for moving the threads, I just wanted them off the eyes of one of my house mates who found out I was complaining about them in here. I was thinking this could be put in epic too, but all they would have to do to see it is create an account.

No prob. They need 500 posts to view this section though.

They don’t care enough to do that which is good for me haha